pathology and the correct intervention is a job that an audiologist is trained
for, many audiologist today posses a Doctoral degree to know enough to get
started in the field. Anyone that has worked with hearing and hearing loss as
well as hearing aids no matter what their qualifications will tell you that
there is so much more to successful intervention than a simple fitting of a
product. I have learned much from my patients over the years as well as the
knowledge of formal education, and what I know is that a one size fits all
solution does not exist, I also know that there is no Santa, or Easter Bunny
and that advertising that seems too good to be true probably is exactly that.
my patients hear better, live living to its fullest, is a journey that begins
long before wearing a hearing aid. Understanding the patient’s needs comes from
understanding physiology but also understanding psychology as it applies to the
individual. The journey of better hearing is an ongoing one that the
audiologist and patient go on together it takes place over many years as we
constantly work at doing better and dealing with the challenges that can come
our way. Perhaps a better way to understand where importance lies is in
considering the use of hearing aids as a part of a rehabilitative process with
far more than just the involvement of a device.
Learning how to hear again is a process that takes time and effort. The
effort that I speak of one that the patient puts forth as well as the
audiologist. Perhaps when we approach
the hearing aid fitting as just the beginning of rehabilitation we can start to
understand the importance of a team that helps to get you to your ultimate
The Ear Company we have refused to product advertise or price advertise because
we believe that better hearing is not a commodity. While it is sometimes
disappointing and difficult to see others in our profession following a
different path in advertising we believe that it remains important to hold to
what we believe serves our patients in the best way possible and we have been
rewarded with loyal patients and friends of our company that spread the good
word, which is far more powerful than any coupon or marketed discount can ever
Here at the Aitkens Ironside homestead we give "THE EAR SPA" the most high recommendation.A company is only a good as the people who oversee and work there. Here, we have found a marvelous, and committed staff with high efficiency, a sense of humour and above all integrity. Sanj is a humanitarian first and foremost.My congratulations to you all.