This particular man is an avid hunter enjoying all kinds of
hunting. On this particular occasion I believe he was bow hunting. One of the
things he really likes about hunting is being out I the woods by himself
enjoying nature. This particular year he was in his regular tree stand and
noticed that the woods seemed devoid of any kind of animal life, no squirrels
running around, no birds in the tree, and certainly no turkeys to shoot.
When this man got home his wife and daughter both finally
asked him what the loud beeping sound was that seemed to be following him
around. Apparently what had happened was that his watch alarm had gone off emitting
a high pitched beeping that he was unable to hear but that all the woodland
creatures heard very well and avoided leaving hi sitting in his tree stand with
no company.
When he told me this story and told me it was
the final straw in recognizing that he may have a hearing problem he had me
laughing out loud especially since he was telling it a s a humorous story. The
happy ending to the story is that he got his hearing aids and wild turkeys are
no longer safe
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