Peterborough Audiology

Peterborough Audiology
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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

24 Years Of Thanks

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that has always been a meaningful one in our household. As many of you know, my wife and I have six boys that range in age from 12 to 22. While this holiday is about the Turkey and all the fixings more importantly it is about gratitude and taking stock of our blessings and how fortunate we are. One of our specific family traditions that takes place right before saying grace is that we go around our table with each person present required to share what they are thankful for. We have one simple stipulation that the only thing that can’t be used in Thanksgiving is gratitude for family as we consider that a given. This tradition is one that my boys often groan about but they still expect that it is something that will always take place at Thanksgiving.
I thought I would take this time to share my thoughts of thanks relative to my clinic. October is actually the month that I opened my doors to this clinic in 1993, 24 years later I am amazed at how little I knew about life and people and business way back then. I am so thankful for the clinic that is my home through the week and the patients that have become my family. There are so many patients that have been with me from the beginning or at least from those early days. It is such warmth that I feel when I get to spend time with those that have been with me on this journey. Along this way I have been blessed to have met so many people with so may stories and experiences. I love what I do because of whom I get to do it for. I have also been blessed with a staff that cares for my patients deeply and personally.  From our humble beginnings our clinic has grown. It is rare to go out into the community and not run into a patient or a patient’s family member. I love this.

So while our rule at home for things we are thankful for excludes family I am breaking that rule at work and expressing thanks for the amazing people that have been through the doors of our clinic in the last 24 years.

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